Women-Adapt: Enhancing women smallholder farmers´adaptive capacity and scaling up climate-resilient food production systems in Côte d’Ivoire

Document cover for Women-Adapt: Enhancing women smallholder farmers´adaptive capacity and scaling up climate-resilient food production systems in Côte d’Ivoire
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Women-Adapt: Enhancing women smallholder farmers´adaptive capacity and scaling up climate-resilient food production systems in Côte d’Ivoire

Smallholder farmers (of which 70% women) in the Poro Region strive to achieve or maintain food and water security due to their exposure to climate hazards (droughts and rainfall variability). The project will adopt a gender- transformative approach to strengthen farmers ́ adaptive capacity and overcome technical, organizational and financial barriers through multi- stakeholder collaboration. This will be achieved through low-impact technologies and food production diversification. MINADER and WFP will help smallholder's access weather index-insurance, financial and market services to protect and stimulate production, while MINEDD will support the shift to sustainable food production systems by monitoring the implementation of risk mitigation measures.

Cover date 10 November 2020
Document type Concept note
World Food Programme
Côte d'Ivoire