Increasing health sector’s capacities and strengthening coordination on climate action in Argentina at national and subnational levels

Increasing health sector’s capacities and strengthening coordination on climate action in Argentina at national and subnational levels
Argentina has recently prepared a “Situation Analysis of Health and Climate Change”, a “National Action Plan on Climate Change and Health” (PANSyCC) and created political and technical structures to address the topic of climate change and health. However, some challenges remain. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown unequivocally the importance of strengthening health surveillance systems, and of early warning systems for the adequate measures of prevention, primary care and response, and quick recovery. The climate crisis demands a similarly vigorous participation of the health community – integrated with other sectors.
This Readiness proposal addresses the gaps identified by the PANSyCC and the National Cabinet on Climate Change. As a country with a large territory, diverse ecosystems and microclimates, one of the main gaps identified is the limited collaboration and coherence between policies at national, provincial, municipal/local levels. Outcome 1.3 in this proposal will help establishing provincial climate change committees and action plans through whole-of-society consultations. The three participating provinces (Misiones – northeastern region/NOA, Tucumán – northwestern region/NEA, and Neuquén – Patagonia region) offer a gradient of conditions that give a representation of the needs, vulnerabilities and capacities of each region of the country.