Strengthening policies and structures to access climate finance in the Republic of Nicaragua

Strengthening policies and structures to access climate finance in the Republic of Nicaragua
Due to its geographical position, Nicaragua is exposed to various events linked to natural climatic variability, such as the ENSO (El Niño-La Niña) phenomenon, the Pacific Monsoon systems, and hurricanes, among others; which generate significant threats of drought, flood, landslides, water deficit, and loss of crops, forests and homes. All these phenomena respond to the signal of climate change, which manifests itself in Nicaragua with a warmer climate and a deficit of precipitation.
Due to economic, social, cultural and environmental factors, Nicaragua is highly vulnerable to the threats generated by climate variability and climate change, which implies significant losses and damage to human and economic lives annually.
For this reason, Nicaragua adopted its National Policy on Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change. With this policy the country has established its framework to respond to climate change, which is already affecting the country. Within this context, the objective of this readiness proposal is to strengthen the capacity of key institutions in the country to implement the policy and the country work program with GCF and to guide investments in a low-emissions economy and a society resilient to climate change; MHCP, in its role as NDA, and MARENA, in the process of accreditation as DAE, will be the primary beneficiaries of the technical assistance.