Policies & strategies

Risk management framework

GCF’s risk management framework defines GCF’s approach to managing risk at both the institutional and funding proposal investment level, covering funding, non-financial, investment and compliance risks. It also contains GCF’s risk appetite, approach to assessing risk throughout the project review as well as approaches to reporting on risk matters. This policy category also includes the GCF’s internal control framework. 

Policies and decisions

Risk management framework
9 policies
Adopted by decision B.40/16, paragraph (a). Updates the GCF risk appetite statement, providing direction to guide and steer the overall level of risk-taking and proactive risk management across GCF operations. The risk appetite statement is part of GCF’s risk management framework.
Sets out the financial risk policies, risk monitoring and reporting, and risk governance components, as updated by the Risk Management Committee.
Adopted by decision B.17/11 (a) (i). Adopts the risk register which provides a comprehensive list of non-overlapping risk types that concern the GCF.
Adopted by decision B.19/04 (b). Presents an update to the risk dashboard.
Adopted by decision B.17/11 (a) (iv). Provides guidelines for the risk assessment of Funding Proposals and Concept Notes by GCF.
Adopted by decision B.19/04 (a) (i). Defines the investment risk management requirements related to the risk of failure of a Funded Activity or Readiness / Project Preparation Facility (“PPF”) Proposal to deliver the expected impact, or the risk of delay or shortfall of reflows from these activities.
Adopted by decision B.19/04 (a) (ii). This policy describes management approach to non-financial risks and the definition of non-financial risks.
Adopted by decision B.19/04 (a) (iii). This document presents the policy governing funding risk management for the GCF.
Adopted by decision B.23/14. The compliance risk policy provides a framework to deal with compliance risks.
Internal control framework and internal audit standards
1 policy
Adopted by decision B.BM-2015/06 (a). Adopts the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework as the internal control framework for the GCF.
Adopted by decision B.BM-2015/06 (c). Establishes the administrative guidelines on the internal control framework and internal audit standards.
2 policies
Risk appetite statement (Component II)
Adopted by decision B.17/11 (a) (ii). Provides a statement of the levels of risk that the GCF is willing to take.
Initial financial risk management framework
Adopted by decision B.07/05; superseded by B.26/Inf.10/Add.01 annex I. Set out the financial risk policies, risk monitoring and reporting, and risk governance components.