Call for Public Inputs: Development of the GCF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards - Stage 2: Proposed ESS standards updates

Document cover for Call for Public Inputs: Development of the GCF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards - Stage 2: Proposed ESS standards updates
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Call for Public Inputs: Development of the GCF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards - Stage 2: Proposed ESS standards updates

The GCF Secretariat is pleased to invite all interested organizations and entities to provide inputs to the second stage of the development of the GCF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards.

Inputs are welcome on the report on the proposed new structure and content (see annex). This input will inform the draft ESS to be produced in Stage 3, which will be further consulted upon.

The deadline for submissions is 1 May 2022 at 23:59 Korean Standard Time.

Official submission of inputs on behalf of an organization or group of organizations in Microsoft Word format should be sent via email as one document with the subject line "Call for Public Inputs: development of the GCF’s ESS Stage 2" to

The official submission should clearly indicate:

  1. Full Name;
  2. Title/Position;
  3. Organization/Affiliation;
  4. Contact details including telephone and e-mail address; and
  5. Organization’s Focal Point (name, surname and position).
Cover date 01 April 2022
Document type Call for input