Leveraging the Private Sector for Increased Climate Investment and Strengthened Partnerships in the West Asia Region

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Leveraging the Private Sector for Increased Climate Investment and Strengthened Partnerships in the West Asia Region
This proposal seeks to improve the enabling environment for private-sector partners in climate finance in the region. Specifically, the proposal will focus on private sector direct access applicants, potential future DAEs, Executing Entities (EEs) and National Designated Authorities (NDAs) to develop effective public-private partnerships for stimulating greater engagement and increasing private investment in climate change mitigation and adaptation. The proposal will deploy a portfolio approach to:
- Build capacity of private sector direct access applicants and DAEs to achieve accreditation and improve ability to develop projects in alignment with GCF criteria.
- Develop capacity of EEs and other private sector actors to increase engagement in climate finance and better understand the range of financial instruments and innovative deal-structures for utilization of public resources to buy-down risk for private sector entry into climate finance.
- Support NDAs and private sector actors to identify/advance project ideas by developing needed assessments and studies, improving understanding of gender and social awareness and translating ideas and information into new concept notes (CNs) or enhanced existing CNs
- Utilize the portfolio approach to develop a regional knowledge management tool that will promote public-private knowledge transfer and enhanced regional participation in climate action
Cover date
30 December 2021
Document type
Approved readiness proposal
Islamic Development Bank
State of Palestine