B.33/15: Selection of the heads of the independents units
The Board, having considered limited distribution document GCF/B.33/16 titled “Matters related to the Heads of Independent Units”:
- Takes note of and accepts the resignation of Mr. Lalanath de Silva as Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism effective from 31 August 2022;
- Requests the Ethics and Audit Committee to consider appropriate candidates for the role of Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism ad interim, and to make a recommendation to the Board, no later than 15 August 2022, on a final candidate for appointment by the Board by a decision without a Board meeting;
- Takes note of the updated timeline for the Head of the Independent Evaluation Unit recruitment process set out in annex IX;
- Also takes note of the updated timeline for the Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism and the Head of the Independent Integrity Unit recruitment process set out in annex X; and
- Decides to consider the appointment of the Head of the Independent Evaluation Unit at the thirty-fourth meeting of the Board and the appointments of the Head of the Independent Integrity Unit and the Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism at the thirty-fifth meeting of the Board, according to the updated timelines.