
Adaptation of agricultural production systems in Coastal Areas of Northwest Guinea-Bissau

Adaptation of agricultural production systems in Coastal Areas of Northwest Guinea-Bissau

  • Status Under implementation
  • Date approved 20 Oct 2022 at B.34
  • Est. completion 15 Sep 2028
  • ESS Category Category C

Guinea-Bissau is a small coastal country in West Africa with high vulnerability to climate change, particularly in the form of seawater intrusion that results from sea level rise, tidal surges, and other adverse weather conditions. Seawater intrusion poses a severe threat on the country’s mangroves which is a major source of livelihood (mangrove rice) in addition to providing coastal protection and a biodiverse habitat. 

This project aims to enhance the climate resilience of livelihoods and food security of the most vulnerable people in Northwest and Northcentral coastal regions of Guinea-Bissau (Cacheu and Oio). It will do so by first improving local observation and monitoring systems for water and soil quality, rehabilitating small-scale water management schemes such as rainwater retention systems and irrigations, undertaking functional reforestation of mangroves on 250 hectares of mangrove swamp areas, and strengthening agricultural value chains with microenterprises. The project is expected to benefit more than 200,000 vulnerable people in Guinea-Bissau with increased food security and livelihoods support. 

Total project value






Result areas

Project timeline


07 Aug 2019 - 1171 days

Concept note received

07 Aug 2019

Funding proposal received

21 May 2021

Cleared by GCF Secretariat

08 Aug 2022

Cleared by iTAP

12 Sep 2022

Legal opinion on AE's Internal Approval

04 Oct 2022


20 Oct 2022 - 331 days

Approved by GCF Board

20 Oct 2022

FAA executed

21 Oct 2022

Under implementation

15 Sep 2023 - 371 days so far

FAA effective

15 Sep 2023

Disbursement - USD 1,266,018

15 Dec 2023

To be completed

15 Sep 2028 - 1,458 days to go

One region

  • Africa

One country

Three priority groups

  • Least Developed Countries
  • Small Island Developing States
  • African States
  • Financing
    • Private sector
    • Public sector
  • Size
    • Micro
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large

GCF financing13% disbursed

GrantUSD 9,807,800
Total GCF Financing
USD 9,807,800


Co-FinancingIn-kindUSD 147,200
Total Co-Financing
USD 147,200

GCF Contacts

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GCF Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM)
Phone +82 32 458 6186 (KST)
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GCF Independent Integrity Unity (IIU)
Phone +82 32 458 6714 (KST)
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Accredited Entity

Sahara and Sahel Observatory

Executive Secretary
Boulevard du Leader Yasser Arafat PO Box 31, Tunis, 1080 (Tunisia), Tunis, Tunisia
Phone (216) 71 20 66 33
Phone (216) 98 57 43 00
Mrs. Khaoula JAOUI

Climate Department Coordinator
Boulevard du Leader Yasser Arafat PO Box 31, Tunis, 1080 (Tunisia), Tunis, Tunisia
Phone (216) 55 62 01 18
Phone (216) 71 20 66 33
More contacts

National Designated Authority

Ministry of the Environment, Biodiversity and Climate Action
Mr. Joao Tchedna Primary
Director General of the National Environment Institute
Avenida Joao Bernardo Vieira, Palacio do Governo, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau

News + Stories

GCF and partners sign project agreements for four transformative climate projects

28 Oct 2022 / Four key agreements for climate projects (Funding Activity Agreement; FAA) were signed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and its partners on the margins of GCF’s 34th Board meeting (17-20 October 2022). They include climate resilience projects in the Maldives, Barbados, and Guinea-Bissau and GCF’s first at-scale private sector programme in the water sector.