Integrated Flood Management in the Upper Regions of the Belize River Watershed

Document cover for Integrated Flood Management in the Upper Regions of the Belize River Watershed
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Integrated Flood Management in the Upper Regions of the Belize River Watershed

Municipalities within the Belize River Basin are affected by flood incidents caused by stormwater runoff. These incidences have become more intense and frequent over the past three decades due to changes in climate. As such, the lives, and livelihoods of approximately 148,000 Belizeans have been directly impacted and continue to be at risk. Local Governments have attempted to strengthen the adaptive capacity of their respective municipalities to flood risk. However, the combination of several climate and non-climatic related barriers continues to derail their best efforts. As a result, the proposed project seeks to implement measures that are needed to address flood hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. The implementation of structural and non-structural will help manage and reduce exposure to flood hazard.

This PPF will investigate the cost benefit of the proposed flood protection measures, possible social and environmental impacts, and the impacts of climate change on flood and flood risk, to inform the development of the full funding proposal. The study will compare scenarios with and without the project under a projection of climate change and against a baseline situation and compare those scenarios to each other to determine the impact of the project. As a result, support received will be used to conduct the following assessments.

  • Feasibility study inclusive of an Economic/Financial Analysis, Climate Impact Assessment, Engineering Designs, and Detailed Budget Plan.
  • Environmental, Social and Gender Studies.
  • Risk Assessment, Register and Mitigation Plan
  • Identification of project level indicators
  • Advisory services on legal, financial, tax, regulatory and governance matters, to help structure the investment.
Cover date 11 January 2023
Document type Approved project preparation funding application
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre