The Nature Conservancy


  • Type International
  • Date of accreditation 16 Mar 2023

The Nature Conservancy (TNC), is an international access entity based in the United States of America and operating in all GCF regions. Founded as a non-profit organization working for educational, scientific and charitable purposes, TNC is now a wide-reaching environmental organization with a mission to conserve lands and waters and protect biodiversity. With a focus on and extensive expertise in land use mitigation and ecosystem-based adaptation projects, climate-smart agriculture, forest restoration, degraded land restoration, freshwater management, and marine conservation, it uses evidence-based science to drive policy as well as partners with companies, indigenous peoples and local communities to develop innovative solutions to scale up impact.

TNC is fully committed to supporting developing countries in their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas  emissions and implement their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) by implementing ambitious and innovative projects and by providing technical assistance. It has supported governments and national designated authorities (NDAs) in designing climate finance projects such as assessments including developing an assessment in Colombia on the mitigation potential of avoided deforestation, restoration and trees in agricultural lands; providing technical support for peatland and mangrove protection and restoration mitigation strategies in Indonesia; and supporting the Government of Seychelles to include ambitious blue carbon targets into the 2021 NDC to ensure that at least 50 per cent of its coastal wetlands are protected by 2025 and 100 per cent by 2030.

With GCF funding, TNC intends to scale up its existing projects in both mitigation and adaptation. TNC is developing a pilot rural credit model with a major bank and a major commodity broker in the Amazon region that seeks to leverage private capital investment to promote sustainable soy and cattle production. On the adaptation side, TNC develops innovating financing mechanisms for adaptation in SIDS, including the world’s first debt-for-adaptation refinancing with the Government of Seychelles, Belize debt restructuring, and Barbados debt restructuring.

Accreditation timeline

Accreditation term 1


Accreditation date

16 Mar 2023

AMA execution date

03 Dec 2023

AMA effectiveness


Term end date


Entity details

  • Size
    • Micro
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
  • Environmental and social risk category
    • Category C
    • Category B
    • Category A
    • Intermediation 3
    • Intermediation 2
    • Intermediation 1
  • Fiduciary standards
    • Basic
    • Project management
    • Grant award
    • On-lending/blending:
    • Loan
    • Equity
    • Guarantee
    • Blending



Ms. Kelly Witkowski

Director, TNC-GCF Unit
Phone +1-203-408-3032