Strengthening capacities for NDC implementation in Peru improving knowledge management strategy and reporting

Strengthening capacities for NDC implementation in Peru improving knowledge management strategy and reporting
The Peruvian government has been developing meaningful actions toward climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as enhancing its national climate pledges. One of the key actions has been to update its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). In this context, the Peruvian Trust Fund for National Parks and Protected Areas (Profonanpe) plays a crucial role as it is the only GCF Direct Access Entity (DAE) in Peru.
Despite Profonanpe’s accomplishments and key position in the Peruvian fight against climate change, it has identified institutional gaps that hinder the complete reporting of its GHG and climate resilience portfolio in accordance with GCF methodology. Moreover, Profonanpe recognized that assessing the impact of its interventions by incorporating GCF’s Learning-Oriented Real-Time Impact Assessment (LORTA) would benefit the development of better high-quality concept notes. On the other hand, the entity has detected a need to provide proper guidance in terms of accessing climate finance for companies and organizations that would like to invest in low emissions and resilience resources for their operations. Finally, Profonanpe has gained a vast amount of knowledge. However, the entity has not deployed it effectively.
Therefore, the aim of this readiness proposal, which builds on previous readiness activities implemented by Profonanpe, can be divided into 4 main areas of action:
- Strengthen Profonanpe’s capacities according to the GCF’s methodology (GCF/B.28/11/Add.02: Methodology for establishing a baseline of greenhouse gas emissions and climate resilience for the portfolio of accredited entities).
- Build the entity’s in-house capacity to assess the impact of their interventions.
- Support Profonanpe to provide proper climate finance guidance.
- Improve Profonanpe’s capabilities to document and deploy the knowledge generated.