Pre-accreditation support to Dos-Credobank to build institutional ESS and Gender capacities

Pre-accreditation support to Dos-Credobank to build institutional ESS and Gender capacities
Kyrgyz Republic as Party to the Paris Agreement within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has updated the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), which was presented during the address of the official delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic during the COP 26 (November 2021, Glasgow). Kyrgyzstan declared its commitment in combating climate change, limiting greenhouse gas emissions through adoption of the Low – Carbon Development Strategy and the National Adaptation Policy, based on increased reliance on renewable energy sources and a further reduction in the demand for fossil fuel in the country.
The disruption of the socio-economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic in recent years was due to the complicated internal political processes, international development environment, the financial crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic. To restore economic and social stability after the COVID-19 pandemic in the Kyrgyz Republic, a package of priority measures was adopted, which included elements of «green recovery». This action plan of the Government covered important areas related to mitigating and adapting to climate change such as the construction / rehabilitation of the irrigation systems, creation of favorable conditions for attracting investments to promote projects on renewable energy sources and electric transport, promoting the production of organic agricultural products, conducting gender-responsive measures as a part of sustainable development.
These are the goals that were set in the long – term strategy of development of OJSC “Dos Credobank”, in response to the tasks set by the Government in support of the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution 2021.
The request is to assist the Dos-Credobank – a nominated DAE from Kyrgyz Republic - to develop institutional ESS and Gender policies which were found as major institutional gaps through self-assessment tool of the GCF. This assistance would support the development or update ESS and Gender policies, and train the relevant staff of OJSC “Dos Credobank” which in turn would allow implement the procedures required under GCF guidelines and meet accreditation requirements.