Strengthening capacity to enhance access to climate finance and establishing private sector investment mechanisms to meet NDC and adaptation targets in the Maldives

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Strengthening capacity to enhance access to climate finance and establishing private sector investment mechanisms to meet NDC and adaptation targets in the Maldives
This Readiness proposal aims to contribute to the increase in climate finance to address the climate change impacts in the Maldives, aligned with its Nationally Determined Contribution through the following strategies:
- To build the necessary capacity within the NDA / Focal Point office, and nominated direct access entity(ies) to improve access to, and implementation of, climate finance;
- To institute climate investment frameworks through the establishment of a sustainable bonds mechanisms; and
- To engage the private sector in climate mitigation and adaptation initiatives through the development of a private sector roadmap.
Cover date
13 February 2024
Document type
Approved readiness proposal
Islamic Development Bank