Enhancing and showcasing Egypt’s leadership in cleantech innovation for climate action and energy transition

Document cover for Enhancing and showcasing Egypt’s leadership in cleantech innovation for climate action and energy transition
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Enhancing and showcasing Egypt’s leadership in cleantech innovation for climate action and energy transition

The proposed readiness and preparatory support aims to support cleantech solutions in Egypt through improved coordination, capacity building of private sector actors, pipeline development and enhanced access to early-stage financing.. By enhancing the capacity of local industries, in particular Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups, to develop and invest in climate and clean energy solutions (cleantech4), Egypt will be better equipped to meet the cleantech demands arising from increased climate finance flows. In other words, the capacity of the private sector to provide and scale-up cleantech solutions on a commercial basis will be strengthened to play a catalytic role in achieving the climate and clean energy goals, as well as the GCF country programme objectives.

Cover date 28 March 2024
Document type Approved readiness proposal
United Nations Industrial Development Organization