Strengthening technical and institutional capacities of Galen University, BLPA, PACT, BNPAS and the Government of Belize to access Climate Finance

Document cover for Strengthening technical and institutional capacities of Galen University, BLPA, PACT, BNPAS and the Government of Belize to access Climate Finance
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Strengthening technical and institutional capacities of Galen University, BLPA, PACT, BNPAS and the Government of Belize to access Climate Finance

The Goal of this Readiness is to contribute to reduced vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in Belize, by facilitating the coherent integration of climate change adaptation into the public sector, programs, and projects of the country. Belize will create partnerships with the public sector to build resilient livelihoods and minimize climate vulnerabilities of communities, conserve and increase the resilience of the agriculture sector, academia, NGO’s, GOB and within Belize in general. The project will result in the following immediate results:”

  1. Strengthened capacities of PACT’s human resources/communication system and implementation of the Environmental and Social Mechanism Framework (ESMF)
  2. Improved risk categorization and screening of projects/programmes and investments of PACT
  3. Strengthened capacities of BNPAS stakeholders
  4. Improved awareness and implementation of SDG’s in Belize
  5. Improved Financial Management and Procurement of BNPAS stakeholders
  6. Developed Assessment study on climate impacts on the livestock value chain in Belize
  7. Developed Project concepts notes guided by CCCCC to address climate change impacts in Belize
  8. Establishment of an educational program at Galen University that will support the advancement of climate change goals/targets in country

The objective of this grant is to facilitate access to climate financing, create linkages and support strategies between national stakeholders in Belize, through strengthening their national capacity to develop climate finance projects, enabling the country to achieve the goals set in the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS), the Belize Nationally Determine Contributions (NDC) and the National Climate Change Policy Strategy and Action Plan (NCCPSAP), Plan Belize – Medium Term Development Strategy and Horizon 2030.

Cover date 08 March 2024
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Protected Areas Conservation Trust