GCF/B.39/17/Add.01/Rev.01: Financing of results-based payments for REDD+ – Addendum I: Response matrix for Board comments received on the draft document

Document cover for Financing of results-based payments for REDD+ – Addendum I: Response matrix for Board comments received on the draft document
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GCF/B.39/17/Add.01/Rev.01: Financing of results-based payments for REDD+ – Addendum I: Response matrix for Board comments received on the draft document

This document contains the response matrix for Board comments received on the draft document titled “Financing of results-based payments for REDD+” during the Board consultation period held from 19 to 25 June 2024.

Document symbol GCF/B.39/17/Add.01/Rev.01
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 02 July 2024