B.39/13: Financing of results-based payments for REDD+

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.39/17 titled “Financing of results-based payments for REDD+”:

  1. Decides to approve the “Principles for mainstreaming REDD+ results-based payments”, as set out in annex IV, as the guiding principles to be applied for developing a proposal to integrate a REDD+ results-based payments funding modality into the regular project and programme activity cycle of GCF;
  2. Requests the Secretariat to prepare for the Board’s consideration and approval a proposal for integrating a REDD+ results-based payments funding modality into the regular project and programme activity cycle of GCF, consistent with the principles approved under paragraph (a) above, and building on consultations conducted following decision B.35/12, paragraphs (b) and (c), no later than the fortieth meeting of the Board;
  3. Also requests the Secretariat to undertake open, inclusive and transparent consultations on the development of the proposal on the financing of results-based payments for REDD+;
  4. Notes that four eligible concept notes for the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Papua New Guinea, Uganda and Viet Nam, respectively, had been submitted under, and within the period of, the pilot programme for REDD+ results-based payments that was adopted by decision B.18/07 and were not able to be considered under the pilot programme due to the funding envelope approved for that pilot programme being exhausted; and
  5. Decides on an exceptional basis to allow the four REDD+ results-based payments concept notes to be submitted as funding proposals under the pilot programme mentioned in paragraph (d) above, subject to the relevant review and due diligence to be carried out by the Secretariat for a funding proposal.