B.39/16: Independent evaluation of GCF’s approach to the energy sector

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.39/16 titled “Independent Evaluation of Green Climate Fund’s Energy Sector Portfolio and Approach: Final Report”:

  1. Recalls paragraph 60 of the Governing Instrument for the GCF and the importance of “an operationally independent evaluation unit as part of the core structure of the Fund”;
  2. Notes some Board members’ concerns with factual inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the evaluation report;
  3. Invites members and alternate members of the Board to consider the findings and recommendations of the following evaluations and to provide any comments no later than 30 September 2024:
    1. Independent Evaluation of Green Climate Fund’s Energy Sector Portfolio and Approach; and
  4. Requests the Independent Evaluation Unit to append the response matrix of comments received to the evaluation report no later than 30 October 2024 to inform future relevant Board discussions.