GCF/B.40/Inf.06: Status of the GCF pipeline, including the status of Project Preparation Facility requests

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GCF/B.40/Inf.06: Status of the GCF pipeline, including the status of Project Preparation Facility requests

This document provides an update on the Green Climate Fund pipeline of projects and programmes, including the status of Project Preparation Facility applications, pursuant to decision B.11/11, paragraph (g) requesting the Secretariat to provide an update of the pipeline portfolio and to submit it for information to the Board as part of the documentation submitted for every Board meeting. This status report responds to the Board’s request and provides an update for the reporting period of 1 May to 31 August 2024.

Document symbol GCF/B.40/Inf.06
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date 30 September 2024