Dear Earth

There is so much our Earth offers to provide a secure and plentiful home for everyone—enough space, enough food, enough water for all. But we, the people living on Earth, keep getting in our own way because we are causing climate change. And its impacts don't affect everyone the same; it is often women who are hit hardest.
To stop the climate crisis, we need not only more climate financing, we need the knowledge and the perspectives of women—whether as farmers, or as skilled workers for the energy transition, or as decision makers.
But in a world that is largely shaped and controlled by men, women have fewer resources available. Their rights are restricted, including the right to raise their voices and represent their interests. As women climate leaders, we need to fight that because the only way to get good solutions is if all those affected are involved in finding them. Together, we can turn the tide so that the Earth is able to offer each and every one of us a secure and plentiful home.
Visiting the community of Jamaraqua in the Tapajos National Forest in Brazil. Photo: Photothek/ Thomas Imo
Visiting the community of Jamaraqua in the Tapajos National Forest in Brazil. Photo: Photothek/ Thomas Imo
Svenja Schulze
Germany's Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development
Check back and get inspired by other women leaders’ love letters to the planet.
Kitty van der Heijden
Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF
Mafalda Duarte
Executive Director, GCF