Our support for REDD+ shows that efforts to revive forests can pay off.Templates
Accredited Entities are invited to submit concept notes and funding proposals in close consultation with the relevant GCF National Designated Authority and REDD+ entity/focal point using the provided templates.
GCF holds regular webinars on REDD+ to share progress made, discuss current topics and provide greater clarity on relevant issues on forests and climate.

Webinar on the GCF work in forests and REDD+ (Spanish)
July 2020
This webinar is part of the GCF's effort to share knowledge and lessons learned as it makes progress in the implementation of projects and programs related to forests, land use, ecosystems and ecosystem services, and REDD+, among other issues related to nature-based solutions. The webinar focuses in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Spanish: Este webinar constituye parte del esfuerzo del Fondo Verde del Clima en compartir conocimientos y lecciones aprendidas conforme avanza en la...