GCF helps Vanuatu smooth climate finance path
GCF has disbursed USD 296,000 to Vanuatu to increase this vulnerable island country’s capacity to access climate finance.
The Green Climate Fund has disbursed USD 296,000 to Vanuatu to increase this vulnerable island country’s capacity to access climate finance.
The transfer of these funds is part of GCF’s readiness support, which assists developing countries ensure the climate finance they receive matches their own development needs.
GCF is working with its delivery partner the Global Green Growth Institute, a Korean-based international organisation, to assist Vanuatu set up procedures to more easily access GCF finance.
This Small Island Developing State is one of the most vulnerable countries to disasters which can be exacerbated by climate change, including cyclones, storm surges, landslides, floods and droughts. The Government of Vanuatu has stated it is moving to integrate climate change and disaster risk reduction more closely in its efforts to progress national development.
At the end of last year, GCF approved a USD 23 million funding proposal to expand the use of Climate Information Services (CIS) in Vanuatu to help achieve this aim.