GCF’s first Structured Dialogue with Asia, opening today in Indonesia, will seek common cause amid diversity in bringing together representatives from 24 nations. Participants will share their climate experiences, and advise the Green Climate Fund on how it can direct its investments in this region.
The four-day meeting will highlight climate finance priorities in Asia. It will also provide opportunities for countries to show what progress they have made in responding to climate change.
The diverse nature of Asia means the types of climate challenges that nations in this region face vary greatly – from droughts and floods in India, caused by monsoonal variability, to obstacles in boosting renewable and energy efficiency in Mongolia, caused by outdated infrastructure.
Participating nations in the Structured Dialogue with Asia do, however, share a common purpose in their desire to seek opportunities in climate finance to build local capacities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to adapt to global climate change.
GCF holds Structured Dialogues in all regions to encourage a free flow of ideas about effective climate finance. The consultations gather National Designated Authorities (NDAs) and focal points, Accredited Entities, a wide group of country stakeholders, both from civil society and private sector organizations, as well as GCF specialists.
An important outcome of GCF’s Structured Dialogues is the development of regional programming roadmaps that identify trends and emerging priorities for different regions.
The Indonesian Government is hosting this Structured Dialogue in Bali where it convened other pivotal gatherings such as the 13thUnited Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) in 2007 which launched the Bali Road Map, an early kick starter of climate cooperation leading to the 2015 Paris Agreement. Indonesia also hosted the 6th meeting of the Green Climate Fund Board in 2014.
Several ministers from Asian countries will attend the GCF Structured Dialogue in Bali.