GCF/B.21/10/Add.33: Consideration of funding proposals - Addendum XXXIII Funding proposal package for SAP002
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GCF/B.21/10/Add.33: Consideration of funding proposals - Addendum XXXIII Funding proposal package for SAP002
This addendum contains the following seven parts:
- A funding proposal titled “Climate services and diversification of climate sensitive livelihoods to empower food insecure and vulnerable communities in the Kyrgyz Republic”;
- No-objection letter issued by the national designated authority(ies) or focal point(s);
- Environmental and social report(s) disclosure;
- Secretariat’s assessment of the funding proposal;
- Independent Technical Advisory Panel’s assessment of the funding proposal;
- Response of the accredited entity to the independent Technical Advisory Panel's assessment of the funding proposal; and
- Gender documentation of the funding proposal.
The funding proposal package for SAP002 was formerly submitted for the Board's consideration at its twentieth meeting and it remains unchanged.
Document symbol
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date
26 September 2018