GCF/B.20/Inf.15: Identification of results areas where targeted GCF investment would have the most impact

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GCF/B.20/Inf.15: Identification of results areas where targeted GCF investment would have the most impact

This document identifies areas where targeted GCF investment would have greater impact. It analyses the GCF portfolio through the eight GCF results areas and compares it with analyses of country programme briefs. A review of the quality of climate information and data used in the approved funding proposals is presented. In addition, the removal of barriers is identified as key to achieving the most impact, including by mobilizing investment in insurance and reinsurance in both the public and private sectors. The document also includes several follow-up actions to be pursued by the Secretariat in areas where targeted GCF investment would have the most impact.

Document symbol GCF/B.20/Inf.15
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date 11 June 2018