GCF/B.18/Inf.04/Add.01: Report on the activities of the Secretariat - Addendum I: Enhancing cooperation and coherence of engagement with the TEC and the CTCN

GCF/B.18/Inf.04/Add.01: Report on the activities of the Secretariat - Addendum I: Enhancing cooperation and coherence of engagement with the TEC and the CTCN
In response to decision B.14/02, paragraph (d), this document informs the Board of further steps the Secretariat of the Green Climate Fund will undertake to continue enhancing the Fund’s cooperation and coherence of engagement with the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network. It also takes into account the GCF Operational Framework on complementarity and coherence and the annual event with the thematic bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. With regards to the Climate Technology Centre and Network, the arrangement of cooperation is intended to be formalized by the Executive Director through an Exchange of Letters covering the elements in section IV of this document.