GCF/B.18/13: Work programme of the Secretariat for 2018 and administrative budget

GCF/B.18/13: Work programme of the Secretariat for 2018 and administrative budget
This document presents the work programme of the Secretariat for 2018 in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to it by paragraph 23(e) of the Governing Instrument for the GCF and consistent with the direction of the Board in its decisions and strategic plan. It includes in appendix IV a results framework that covers key goals included in the work programme.
It also proposes the administrative budget for the period 2018 to support the operations of the GCF. The proposed administrative budget for the period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018, is USD 63,588,006. In addition, the Board is requested to approve an additional allocation of USD 42,477,049 for staff costs in 2019 and USD 44,300,790 in 2020. These are requested to cover the estimated costs of staff positions approved for those periods.