GCF/B.18/03: Report on the execution of the 2017 administrative budget of the GCF as at 31 July 2017

GCF/B.18/03: Report on the execution of the 2017 administrative budget of the GCF as at 31 July 2017
This document presents an update of actual expenditures for the seven months to 31 July 2017 against the approved administrative budget. It is based on actual expenditures relating to activities of the Board, the independent accountability units and the Secretariat for the period of 1 January to 31 July 2017 and estimated expenditures for the Interim Trustee.
For the seven-month period of 1 January to 31 July 2017, total expenditures on the Board, the Independent Units and the Secretariat as well as estimated expenditures for the services of the Interim Trustee amounted to USD 21.8 million or 44 per cent against a budget of USD 49.2 million.