Call for public input: Revised Terms of Reference For the Independent Redress Mechanism of the Green Climate Fund

Call for public input: Revised Terms of Reference For the Independent Redress Mechanism of the Green Climate Fund
At its thirteenth and fifteenth meetings, the GCF Board requested the Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM) to prepare a revised terms of reference (TOR) for the IRM and to present it to the Board for consideration at its sixteenth meeting to be held in April 2017. The Board has requested that the revised TOR be prepared through a consultative process.
This call for public submissions is part of that consultative process. The current TOR is in an annex to this document and submissions from the public are called for on any matter related to the TOR. Any individual or organization may send a submission. The deadline for public submissions is 20 January 2017 at 23:59 Korean Standard Time (KST).