GCF/B.06/03: Additional Result Areas and Indicators for Adaptation Activities

Document cover for Additional Result Areas and Indicators for Adaptation Activities
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GCF/B.06/03: Additional Result Areas and Indicators for Adaptation Activities

This document submits to the Board for its consideration a set of adaptation result areas that combines the eight existing result areas with five proposed extensions and additions. Some of them build on, and expand, existing result areas (in particular on land use management), while others address previously uncovered adaptation challenges. Taken together, the 13 result areas create a comprehensive, operationally meaningful organizing framework for all adaptation activities. Chapter II provides an overview of the proposed organizing framework and the complete list of 13 adaptation result areas (existing, extended and additional).

Document symbol GCF/B.06/03
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 09 February 2014