GCF/16-12-2015: Compilation of submissions for the strategic plan for the Green Climate Fund

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GCF/16-12-2015: Compilation of submissions for the strategic plan for the Green Climate Fund

At its eleventh meeting, the Board took decision B.11/03 relating to the strategic plan for the GCF. In paragraph (g) of the decision, the Board invited “members of the Board/alternate members of the Board, active observers and observer organizations to make submissions to the Secretariat on the elements contained in paragraph (c) [of decision B.11/03] … by 1 December 2015”.

A total of 24 submissions were received in response to this invitation.

This compilation contains all of these submissions, presented as received, without formal editing.

Document symbol GCF/16-12-2015
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date 16 December 2015