NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Antigua and Barbuda through the Department of Environment

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NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Antigua and Barbuda through the Department of Environment
Readiness area 1: Establishment Strengthening the NDA The NDA will hire consultants and procure services to build the capacity of the Environment Division and the Debt Management Unit that will be responsible for coordinating with other ministries on the Green Climate Fund (the Fund).
Consultants and service providers will assist the NDA in the following tasks:
- Design and establish a Knowledge Management System to facilitate the proper organization, storage and communication of policy documents and instrument related to Climate Change Financing.
- Develop a Public Awareness Strategy and implementation of elements including development of a website page, news articles and short posts for social media.
- Development of operational guidelines for the functioning of the NDAs. Training of staff of the NDA’s in the use of these guidelines.
- Development and conduct training on operational guidelines related to no objection procedure requirement of the GCF.
- Facilitate consultations with the National Coordination Mechanism and other multi stakeholder groups.
- The NDA may also add other activities in accordance with the Fund’s defined scope of work in the Standardised Package for NDA or Focal Strengthening.
Activity 2: Strategic frameworks for engagement with the Fund, including the preparation of country programmes. The NDA will develop a country programme that includes:
- Antigua and Barbuda’s development priorities with respect to the Green Climate Fund (the Fund) consistent with the country’s National Environmental Management Strategy (NEMS), Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), and the Fund’s Initial results management framework;
- Hold consultations with public sector stakeholders to confirm priorities. Identify opportunities to engage the private sector enterprises in line with the NEMS.
- Identifying programmes and projects, including public-private partnerships, consistent with the Fund’s Initial investment framework; and
- Identifying how the GCF can build on and upscale the ongoing work of other development partners in the country, and deliver its support in a manner complementary to the efforts of other partners.
- The NDA may add other elements to the country programme and will also undertake stakeholder consultations in a manner that is consistent with the Fund’s defined scope of work in the Standardised Package for Country Strategic Frameworks.
Cover date
08 July 2015
Document type
Approved readiness proposal
Department of Environment, Ministry of Health and Environment, Government of Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda