NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Rwanda through the Environment and Climate Change Fund

NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Rwanda through the Environment and Climate Change Fund
The objective of this grant is to enhance country ownership and climate finance access during the early stages of the operationalisation of the Green Climate Fund in Rwanda. In particular, it aims to develop the capacity of the National Designated Authority to engage with regional, national & sub-national governments, civil society and private sector stakeholders with regard to the priorities of the Fund, taking a gender sensitive approach (readiness area 1). Furthermore, it aims to develop a strategic framework for national engagement with the Fund, as well as a country program, building on existing strategies & plans (readiness area 2). The implementation of the two components of the readiness programme is projected to generate national interest in the GCF opportunities and to strengthen Rwanda’s access to climate finance through the preparation of the country programme. The strategic framework & country programme for engagement with the GCF will ensure that programmes/projects proposals to GCF will increasingly meet integration of national priorities as well as promote climate relevant transformational development.