B.16/01: Work programme of the Secretariat for 2017
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.16/21/Rev.01 titled “Work programme of the Secretariat for 2017 and adjusted administrative budget”:
- Recognizes that the work programme of the Secretariat for 2017 will help to guide the activities and structure of the Secretariat;
- Approves the priorities set out in the work programme of the Secretariat for 2017, in accordance with paragraph 23(e) of the Governing Instrument for the GCF;
- Requests the Secretariat to provide a detailed and updated work plan for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme and to report on the progress made in its implementation at each Board meeting for the Board’s information; and
- Approves the adjusted administrative budget for the period of 1 January to 31 December 2017, making the total approved administrative budget for fiscal year 2017 USD 46,784,071, recognizing that this increase is on an exceptional basis and does not establish a new standard budget level for items, including contractual services.