B.BM-2016/04: Appointment of members to committees of the Board
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/BM-2016/05 titled “Appointment of members to committees of the Board”:
- Appoints as members of the Appointment Committee:
- Kate Hughes;
- Diann Black-Layne; and
- Lars Roth.
- Also appoints as members of the Private Sector Advisory Group, for the second term:
- Anton Hilber;
- Zaheer Fakir; and
- Ramón Méndez
- Further appoints as members of the Investment Committee, for a term starting on 8 July 2015:
- Amjad Abdulla;
- Nagmeldin Goutbi Elhassan; and
- Christian Salas.
- Appoints Richard Muyungi as member of the Accreditation Committee, for a term starting on 18 November 2015.
- Also appoints Maria de los Angeles Gonzalez Miranda as member of the Risk Management Committee, for a term starting on 8 July 2015 (Given that the membership of Maria de los Angeles Gonzalez Miranda of the Board terminated on 8 March 2016, her successor, Carlos Raúl Delgado Aranda, was appointed by the Board as a member of the Risk Management Committee during the twelfth meeting of the Board on 8 March 2016).