• Decision type
  • Decision date 28 Dec 2015

B.BM-2015/11: Appointment of members to the ad hoc group for the Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund

The Board following on decision B.11/03 (d) and having reviewed document GCF/BM2015/13 titled “Appointment of members to the ad hoc group for the Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund”:

  1. Appoints as members of the ad hoc group for the Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund:
    1. Mr. Amjad Abdulla;
    2. Mr. Omar El-Arini;
    3. Mr. Henrik Harboe;
    4. Mr. Leonardo Martinez-Diaz;
    5. Mr. Karsten Sach; and
    6. Mr. Christian Salas.
  2. Decides that the ad hoc group for the Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund shall function until the earlier of:
    1. The twelfth meeting of the Board having ended; and
    2. The Board having decided to terminate the ad hoc group.