GCF's new e-learning platform to improve capacity building and knowledge sharing
Today, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) launched its first e-learning course to enable easier access to the Fund's resources – a module on developing GCF funding proposals for the Simplified Approval Process (SAP).
The SAP course is primarily designed for GCF's Accredited Entities, National Designated Authorities and Focal Points. It provides detailed information on the key elements required for SAP funding proposals, such as a gender assessment and action plan and theory of change, all of which are explained by GCF experts. After completing the module, participants will have the necessary knowledge and information to prepare robust project proposals. This is the first in a series of e-learning modules on SAP, which supplements the SAP Funding Proposal Guidelines, Technical Guidelines and webinar series.
Yannick Glemarec, GCF Executive Director, said: "I am delighted to announce the launch of GCF's first e-learning course, which provides guidance to our partners on how to access GCF funding more efficiently. This is another step in our continuous efforts to make the Fund more accessible, especially for Direct Access Entities, through leveraging digital platforms."
GCF Deputy Executive Director Javier Manzanares added: "As GCF seeks to accelerate project approval and implementation following its successful replenishment, we aim to strengthen the capacity of our Accredited Entities and National Designated Authorities to propose high-quality and transformative climate projects. The SAP e-learning course is therefore of critical importance to our partners as it will help facilitate easier access to GCF funding."
Demetrio Innocenti, the manager for SAP, noted: "The first SAP e-learning course is a true joint effort of the many divisions and units of the GCF Secretariat. It brings together the collective knowledge of our organisation and the holistic approach you need to develop highly performing SAP investments, especially for Small Islands Developing States and Least Developed Countries.”
The e-learning course is available for all interested participants through the GCF iLearn platform.