RFP 2019/S/042: National Designated Authority (NDA) training modules: Delivery and conversion to automated format

RFP 2019/S/042: National Designated Authority (NDA) training modules: Delivery and conversion to automated format
National Designated Authorities (NDAs) are one of the key stakeholders to manage the relationship between the GCF and respective countries. The strategically important tasks of the NDA office require a team of individuals who have substantial knowledge about the GCF, its processes and modalities. To support the NDAs to undertake their roles more effectively, a training programme specifically targeted to them was developed and rolled out in five regions over the first quarter of 2019.
The modules cover the range of entry points for engagement including strategic planning processes, identification of the right partners, engagement with the private sector, as well as development of funding proposals.
With the conclusion of the roll-out of the five regional training sessions, the GCF is seeking to identify a training qualified partner (firm) to implement a number of additional training sessions, as well as to convert the existing modules into automated versions for wider uptake.
The deadine for submission of proposals is 9 December, 2019 at 1700 hrs (time) Korean Standard Time.