
Cambodian Climate Financing Facility

Cambodian Climate Financing Facility

Cambodia is particularly vulnerable to climate change with high exposure to climate hazards such as floods, landslide, cyclone, extreme heat and wildfire. These are exacerbated by the country’s economic dependence on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture and a high rural population. Without proper intervention, climate change could cost up to nine per cent of Cambodia’s gross domestic product, increasing poverty simultaneously. A multifaceted strategy is required to solve the climate challenge, including strengthening the capacity of stakeholders in the public and private sectors and using concessional funding to signal to the market the commercial viability of climate projects. 

The Cambodian Climate Financing Facility’s (CCFF) cross-cutting goals include accelerating implementation of the country’s Nationally Determined Commitment (NDC), scaling up climate finance, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions while boosting climate resilience. CCFF will finance high-impact climate projects, focused on resource-constrained NDC priority sectors, through long-term concessional lending and crowding in private sector participation. In addition to tackling the financial barriers and market gaps, the programme will also support capacity building of stakeholders to tackle non-financial barriers and convene stakeholders to coordinate policy dialogues for development of policy framework. 

Total project value


Tonnes of emissions avoided






Result areas

Project timeline


13 Jan 2022 - 784 days

Concept note received

13 Jan 2022

Funding proposal received

14 Mar 2023

Cleared by GCF Secretariat

20 Dec 2023

Cleared by iTAP

12 Feb 2024


06 Mar 2024 - 197 days so far

Approved by GCF Board

06 Mar 2024

Under implementation

To be completed

One region

  • Asia-Pacific

One country

One priority group

  • Least Developed Countries
  • Financing
    • Private sector
    • Public sector
  • Size
    • Micro
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large

GCF financing

GrantUSD 4,959,050
LoanUSD 50,000,000
Total GCF Financing
USD 54,959,050


Co-FinancingLoanUSD 15,000,000
Co-FinancingIn-kindUSD 1,000,000
Co-FinancingIn-kindUSD 3,000,000
Co-FinancingLoanUSD 35,000,000
Total Co-Financing
USD 54,000,000

GCF Contacts

General media inquiries

GCF Communications
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Request for information

GCF Information Disclosure
Request information about this project

Project complaints and grievances

GCF Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM)
Phone +82 32 458 6186 (KST)
File a complaint

Integrity issues

GCF Independent Integrity Unity (IIU)
Phone +82 32 458 6714 (KST)
Send e-mail

Accredited Entity

Korea Development Bank
Ms. Eugina Kim

Senior Manager, Lead Climate Negotiator
Phone +82-2-787-7861
Ms. Joo Hee Ahn

Head, Climate Business Team
Phone +82-2-787-7864
More contacts

National Designated Authority

Ministry of Environment
H.E. Dr. Sophalleth Eang Primary
Minister of Environment
Morodok Decho Building, No. 503, Chamkarmon,, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
H.E. Mr. Paris Choup Primary
Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment
Phone (+855)17 313 366
H.E. Dr. Sovuthy Pheav Secondary
Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment
Phone ( +855) 16 613 355
H.E. Mr. Thy Sum Tertiary
Director General, General Directorate of Policy and Strategy, Ministry of Environment
Phone (+855) 16 907 764
