GCF/B.37/Inf.15 - Financial management plan of GCF’s commitment authority for the second replenishment period
This document outlines how the Secretariat intends to produce a financial plan for GCF-2, as requested by the Board through decision B.36/14. It will explain how GCF’s commitment authority is estimated and how...
Board document > Information
Thirty-sixth meeting of the Board
The thirty-sixth meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund (B.36) will be held from Monday, 10 July to Thursday, 13 July 2023, at Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Republic of Korea. The meeting will be held daily from 9:...
Document > Notification
GCF/B.16/19 - Report on the execution of the 2016 administrative budget of the GCF and the 2016 unaudited financial statements
This document presents a review of the execution of the 2016 administrative budget of the GCF. It is based on actual expenditures relating to activities of the Board and the Secretariat for the year 1 January to 31...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.15/Inf.13 - Report on the execution of the administrative budget for 2016
This document presents an update of actual expenditures for the ten months to 31 October 2016 against the approved budget for 2016. It is based on actual expenditures relating to activities of the Board and the...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.14/Inf.10 - Report on the execution of the 2016 administrative budget of the Green Climate Fund at 31 August 2016
This document presents an update of actual expenditures for the eight months to 31 August 2016 against the approved budget for 2016. It is based on actual expenditures relating to activities of the Board and the...
Board document > Information
GCF Strategic Plan 2024-2027 overview
Through decision B.36/13 the GCF Board adopted GCF’s Strategic Plan 2024-2027, setting out GCF’s major programming directions for GCF-2, capturing the ambition to deliver both strengthened climate results and greater...
Document > Publication
Support for Enhanced Accreditation of National Entities and Development of High-Quality Concept Notes (MEX-RS-002)
This proposal supports Mexico to achieve its conditional climate commitments (mitigation reductions: 36% GHG emissions, 70% black carbon), through improved access to climate finance and narrow the existing $126 billion...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Mexico
Rwanda and GCF sign privileges and immunities agreement
The Government of the Republic of Rwanda and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) on 8 November 2022 signed a bilateral privileges and immunities agreement, granting GCF privileges and immunities in line with those of other...
Article > News update Rwanda
FP143 - Planting Climate Resilience in Rural Communities of the Northeast (PCRP)
The semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil has been experiencing periodic droughts and chronic water scarcity. The overall drought frequency, intensity and severity have increased over the past 36 years. The region is...
Project > Public sector Brazil
Compilation of submissions: Review and Update of the GCF Gender Policy and Action Plan
On 20 April 2017, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) published a call for inputs that invited members and alternate members of the Board, national designated authorities and focal points, accredited entities, accredited...
Document > Call for input
GCF/B.37/05 - Project Preparation Facility: revised operating modalities, activities and funding
This document responds to the request of the Board in decision B.33/03 for the Secretariat to present to the Board for its consideration a review of the operational modalities for the Green Climate Fund’s Project...
Board document > Action item
GCF audited financial statements for the years ending December 31, 2022 and 2021
The audited financial statements for the years ending December 31, 2022, and 2021 include the income statement, statement of financial position, statement of changes in funds, statement of cash flows, and the notes to...
Document > Financial statement
GCF finance allocation builds Tuvalu’s resilience
The Green Climate Fund is transferring funds to help strengthen the island nation of Tuvalu against the double climate threats of rising sea levels and destructive cyclones.
GCF is sending the first USD 2 million...
Article > Press release Tuvalu
GCF/B.15/14 - Staffing of the Secretariat
At its twelfth meeting, the Board authorized the recruitment of new staff with a view to filling approximately 100 positions by December 2016, in order to build the capacity of the Secretariat. Appropriate measures have...
Board document > Action item
Consultations on the GCF's Revised Readiness Strategy
To improve the Readiness Programme, the GCF Board requested the GCF Secretariat to present a revised strategy that addresses the priorities and needs of countries. As part of this process, the GCF is organizing virtual...
Event > Events organised / involving GCF
Board decision on Compliance Review Report C-0006-Nicaragua (Bio-CLIMA, FP146)
This webpage presents information regarding the “Compliance Review Report: C-0006-Nicaragua: GCF Project FP146: Bio-CLIMA: Integrated climate action to reduce deforestation and strengthen resilience in BOSAWÁS and Rio...
Document > Operational document Nicaragua
GCF/B.21/01 - Agenda
This document presents the provisional agenda of the twenty-first meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund.
Board document > Agenda
GCF/B.22/01/Drf.02 - Provisional agenda
This document contains a proposed B.22 provisional agenda.
Board document > Agenda
GCF/B.20/Inf.18 - Annotations to the provisional agenda
This document presents the annotations to the provisional agenda of the twentieth meeting of the Board, as presented in document GCF/B.20/01/Drf.02.
Board document > Information
GCF/B.20/01/Drf.02 - Provisional agenda
This document presents the provisional agenda of the twentieth meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund.
Board document > Agenda
GCF/B.15/03 - Draft Work Plan of the Board for 2017
This document contains the work plan of the Board for 2017 as proposed by the Co-Chairs.
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.13/12 - Strategy on accreditation
In decision B.12/21, the Board deferred its consideration of the strategy on accreditation to the thirteenth meeting of the Board. This document presents a proposal for the strategy on accreditation for consideration by...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.12/09 - Project Preparation Facility
This document contains a project preparation funding application from Ministry of Natural Resources of Rwanda (MINIRENA) under the Project Preparation Facility of the Green Climate Fund.
Board document > Action item
Funding proposal pipeline update as of May 2018
As part of its transparency efforts, GCF regularly provides a summary of the status of its funding proposal pipeline. This document summarises the status of GCF's pipeline as of May 2018.
Document > Funding proposal pipeline update
NDA nomination letter for Chile
This letter, sent by the government of Chile to the Green Climate Fund, provides details on the nominated National Designated Authority (NDA) that will serve as the main point of contact between the country and GCF.
Document > NDA nomination Chile
NDA nomination letter for Libya
This letter, sent by the government of Libya to the Green Climate Fund, provides details on the nominated National Designated Authority (NDA) that will serve as the main point of contact between the country and GCF.
Document > NDA nomination Libya
NDA nomination letter for Sri Lanka
This letter, sent by the government of Sri Lanka to the Green Climate Fund, provides details on the nominated National Designated Authority (NDA) that will serve as the main point of contact between the country and GCF.
Document > NDA nomination Sri Lanka
Critical GCF Micronesia adaptation project gets underway in record time
The Green Climate Fund has transferred the first tranche of funding for an adaptation project in the Federated States of Micronesia just 36 days after Board approval, making this the fastest GCF project to be...
Article > News update
African Union calls for an ambitious and successful GCF replenishment
On February 9, the meeting of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC) took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The event was held at the margins of the 32nd Ordinary Session of the...
Article > Press release Pages
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