Low carbon buses for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Vientiane Capital
The project will contribute to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality under a new sustainable transportation system being implemented in Vientiane Capital. The project involves introducing electric vehicles in...
Document > Concept note Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)
River Restoration for Climate Change Adaptation (RIOS)
Mexico is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as the increase in extreme events, which are affecting watersheds (droughts, floods, landslides), and the negative ecological, economic, and social...
Document > Concept note Mexico FMCN
Heritage Colombia (HECO): Maximizing the Contributions of Sustainably Managed Landscapes in Colombia for Achievement of Climate Goals
Heritage Colombia (HECO) will generate significant mitigation and adaptation benefits through a paradigm shifting landscape approach in Colombia associated with a proven model for securing long-term financing for the...
Document > Concept note Colombia WWF
Climate-Informed Watershed Management in the Northern Pacific Region of Costa Rica
As a result of climate change, the northern Pacific region of Costa Rica will experience a significant decrease in precipitations and increase in temperatures, leading to more frequent and severe droughts. This will...
Document > Concept note Costa Rica UNDP
Rural Enterprise incentives through performance-based fiance for forest landscape restoration and low emissions developement: Private Sector jurisdictional models for a Green Economy in Equateur, Mongala and Tshopo Provinces
The project aim is to reduce land based emissions by establishing private se sub-national jurisdictional ER programs in the three target provinces by reinf legal and managerial frameworks to stimulate green economic...
Document > Concept note Democratic Republic of the Congo (the) IUCN
Cross border programme to enhance resilience of oases ecosystems and livelihoods in the North African region
The Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world, one of the harshest environments on Earth, covering nearly a third of the African continent. This area is being impacted by Climate change and natural climate cycles...
Document > Concept note Multiple countries OSS
Promoting a climate-resilient agriculture sector to increase the climate resilience of vulnerable populations and to reduce deforestation in Sud- Ubangi province
The project addresses GHG emissions resulting from high rates of deforestation, that are the consequence of poor natural resource management, damaging agriculture practices and the vulnerability of the population and...
Document > Concept note Democratic Republic of the Congo (the) OSS
Enabling Paradigm Shift Towards Low-carbon Transport in Montenegro
Montenegro’s transport sector is a significant source of GHG emissions, estimated at 563,000 tCO2e in 2015 and forecasted to grow to 993,000 tCO2e (30% of the national GHG emissions) by 2030. Building on the recently-...
Document > Concept note Montenegro UNDP
Preservation and restoration of ecosystem services with an emphasis on water security for climate change adaptation and mitigation and increased resilience of vulnerable family farmers.
The Valles Macroregion of Bolivia is experiencing increasing rainfall variability as a result of climate change. Smallholder farmers are particularly vulnerable in light of greater rainfall unpredictability and land...
Document > Concept note Bolivia (Plurinational State of) FAO
RE-ACT (Resilient Action Guyana): Increasing climate resilience of vulnerable ecosystems and rural communities in Guyana’s coastal areas
Natural dynamics of the coastal zone are being influenced by climate change (CC) owing to increased mean annual temperature and precipitation that lead to unpredictable floods and drought periods which are expected to...
Document > Concept note Guyana FAO
Increasing resilience to the health risks of climate change in the Federated States of Micronesia
Climate change is creating new risks to already burdened human health in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), in particular through increasing the exposure of humans to vector-,water- and food-borne diseases. The...
Document > Concept note Micronesia (Federated States of) SPC
Support green development poles to strengthen the resilience to climate change of communities, ecosystems and agro-silvopastoral production systems of municipalities in the Brakna Region in Mauritania
The Brakna region is facing severe climatic change characterized by the decrease and poor distribution of rainfall and the increase in temperature over the years. The expected increase in temperature and rainfall...
Document > Concept note Mauritania IUCN
Vanuatu Community-based Climate Resilience Project
Vanuatu is one of the most climate-vulnerable countries. Communities suffer an existing adaptation deficit. The Vanuatu Community-based Climate Resilience Project seeks to: reduce the climate-related vulnerabilities of...
Document > Concept note Vanuatu SCA
Strengthening the Resilience of Vulnerable Family Farms to Climate Change in the Fourth Agricultural Development Pole in Benin
Benin is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The effects of the global warming are already perceptive across the country in terms of temperature increase, rainfall decrease and in several areas and...
Document > Concept note Benin FNEC
Towards climate change resilient coastal fisheries and aquaculture in Tonga
Climate change in Tonga poses a severe threat to the coastal fisheries and aquaculture sectors, which play a significant role in food and nutrition security, local livelihoods and the national economy. More severe...
Document > Concept note Tonga SPC
Financing mechanism for local adaptation [local climate adaptive living facility - local]
Brief summary of the problem statement and climate rationale, objective and selected implementation approach, including the executing entity(ies) and other implementing partners, including who will be implementing the...
Document > Concept note Benin FNEC
Enhancing Land-based Adaptation and Resilient Green Economies in Makueni, Kajiado, Machakos and Kitui Counties in Kenya
Kenya’s dryland populations experience environmental degradation and poverty. Climate variability and change exacerbate these problems, as increasing droughts, floods and water stress impact rainfed agriculture and...
Document > Concept note Kenya
Strengthening Climate Information Systems for Climate Change Adaptation in the Greater Horn of Africa through regional cooperation
The programme aims to strengthen the climate resilience of 8 targeted countries (all members of Intergovernmental Authority on Development) to the climate change impacts of extreme rainfall events, extreme droughts and...
Document > Concept note Multiple countries UNDP
SADC Program for Indigenous Forest Landscape Restoration through Transboundary Fire Management in Kavango-Zambezi Trans-frontier Conservation Area
This program targets Kavango-Zambezi Trans-frontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) and activities include establishment of participatory fire early warning system, capacity development for forestry officers and habitants...
Document > Concept note Multiple countries JICA
Strengthening the prevention and attention of forest fires intensified by climate change in Peru
Every year, forest fires are occurring more frequently and in a broader scope in Peru, due to the combination of anthropic actions and the changes in temperature, rainfall and drought patterns, which are becoming more...
Document > Concept note Peru Profonanpe
Promoting transformative and climate resilient agriculture for sustainable livelihoods and food security in Nepal (CRA)
The project objective is that farmers in the Koshi River Basin are resilient to climate variability and change and adopt sustainable farm-based livelihoods. Barriers to this objective are addressed through three...
Document > Concept note Nepal FAO
Enhancing the resilience of vulnerable families in Mexico City to the impacts of climate change on water
Climate-driven changes in precipitation are resulting in increasing deficits in surface and ground water availability as well as floods in Mexico City. The risks that Mexico City faces from flooding and water scarcity...
Document > Concept note Mexico FundacionAvina
Integrated Low Emission Approach for Efficient Use of Reclaimed Wastewater in the Agricultural Sector in Jordan
The government of Jordan prioritized alternative strategies to treat wastewater to secure water resources needed for the agricultural sector aiming to increase farmer's resilience toward climate change, and to cope the...
Document > Concept note Jordan IUCN
Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Thua Thien Hue Province (CARe Hue)
Communities in TT Hue province are some of the most vulnerable to climate variability and climate change, globally. The various CC manifestations in the province increase vulnerabilities and threaten people's...
Document > Concept note Viet Nam LuxDev
Climate Elucidation for Adaptive Resilience in the Water Sector in St. Vincent and Grenadines (SVG-ClEAR-Water)
The evidence is mounting that climate change and variability will result in a significant decrease in available water resources throughout the Caribbean. Decreases will impact the supply-demand balance and water quality...
Document > Concept note Saint Vincent and the Grenadines CCCCC
Moving Towards REDD+ Implementation through Private Sector Engagement in REDD+ Actions
The project is instrumental for transitioning from REDD+ Readiness to Implementation and Results-Based Payments. Cambodia meets Warsaw Framework requirements (National REDD+ Strategy (NRS), National Forest Monitoring...
Document > Concept note Cambodia UNDP
Strengthening the Resilience of Vulnerable Family Farms to Climate Change in the Fourth Agricultural Development Pole in Benin
Benin is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The effects of the global warming are already perceptive across the country in terms of temperature increase, rainfall decrease and in several areas and...
Document > Concept note Benin FNEC
Support green development poles to strengthen the resilience to climate change of communities, ecosystems and agro-silvopastoral production systems of municipalities in the Brakna Region in Mauritania
The Brakna region is facing severe climatic changes characterized by the decrease and poor distribution of rainfall and the increase in temperature over the years. The expected increase in temperature and rainfall...
Document > Concept note Mauritania IUCN
Building Climate Resilient and Adaptive Ecosystems in Rural Eswatini
Eswatini is facing more frequent droughts4 and about 20% of its rural population is experiencing acute food insecurity. The agriculture sector, including livestock and crop production is the most vulnerable to the...
Document > Concept note Eswatini FAO
Solomon Islands Knowledge-Action-Sustainability for Resilient Villages (SOLSKAS) Project
The Solomon Islands is facing increasing climate change impacts, making it the 4th most vulnerable country in the world. Impacts are felt most acutely in rural areas comprising 80% of the population. Without assistance...
Document > Concept note Solomon Islands SCA Pages
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