GCF/B.20/11 - Consolidated country and entity work programmes
... entity programming with GCF. The Board is requested to take note of the information provided in this document and to ...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.19/03/Rev.01 - Review of the structure and effectiveness of the independent Technical Advisory Panel
... the independent Technical Advisory Panel”, as well as a note from the Secretariat on the findings and ...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.08/17 - Decision-Making Procedures for the Board in the Absence of Consensus
... of other funds, reference is made to the informal note GCF/B.04/12 Voting Procedures for the Board. ...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.12/Inf.06 - Progress and outlook report of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme
... Preparation Facility (PPF). The Board is requested to take note of the information provided in this document. ...
Board document > Information
Accredited Entities
... developing country governments, Accredited Entities convert concepts into action. They work alongside countries to come ...
Basic page
GCF/B.09/15 - Decision-Making Procedure for the Board in the Absence of Consensus
... following: (a) An assessment of foundational principles and concepts of voting systems; (b) A review of voting systems ...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.10/11 - Decision-making Procedures for the Board in the Absence of Consensus
... following: (a) An assessment of foundational principles and concepts of voting systems; (b) A review of voting systems ...
Board document > Action item
Developing Union of Comoros systems and processes on GCF country programming
... of the various trainings and consultations will produce two concept outlines (one each for mitigation and adaptation) ...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Comoros (the)
Strategic frameworks support for Dominica and Jamaica through Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation of Jamaica
... and Component 4: Issuance and development of a project concept of a green bond facility. Dominica Jamaica Strategic ...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Dominica Jamaica
Afghanistan advances GCF country programming
... and ministries on developing strategic climate project pre-concept notes. The 12 pre-concept notes reviewed ranged from solar panel rooftops to ...
Article > News update
GCF/B.30/06/Add.02 - Summary of the bilateral consultations on the update of the simplified approval process
This note summarizes the comments provided by members and ... outstanding concerns from the various Board members. This note also provides the Secretariat’s responses and actions ...
Board document > Action item
Land Bank of the Philippines
The LandBank of the Philippines (LandBank) is a financial institution wholly owned by the Government of the Philippines. It aims to strike a balance in fulfilling its social mandate of promoting countryside development...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Philippines (the)
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (Nepal)
The Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) is a national semi-autonomous entity headquartered in Nepal whose objective is to develop and promote renewable energy with the potential to develop low-emission pathways...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Nepal
National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development
The National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) is a national public-sector organisation based in Cambodia. NCDD is the secretariat for an interministerial mechanism for promoting democratic...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Cambodia
Cook Islands get major boost in fight against climate change
... of the Cook Islands country programme through concept note development, capacity building for CCCI, MFEM and ...
Article > Story Cook Islands
Reducing GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhancing rural livelihoods in the Headwaters of the Zambezi river (Zambia’s North-Western province), in support to NDC implementation and RBPs
Deforestation and forest degradation are major concerns in Zambia. The deforestation rate is estimated between 79 000 - 150 000 ha per year (ILUA II, 2016[1]), placing Zambia among the countries with the highest...
Document > Concept note Zambia
Policies: Risk management framework
Risk management framework
GCF’s risk management framework defines GCF’s approach to managing risk at both the institutional and funding proposal investment level, covering funding, non-financial, investment and...
Basic page > Policy map
Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (West African Development Bank)
The Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (West African Development Bank, BOAD), is a regional financial institution with a mandate to promote development in West Africa and foster economic integration within the...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (Regional)
Information requests and responses
... No Subject Date received Date answered Decision IDP670 Concept note: Improving Climate Resilience by Increasing Water ... 24 Feb 3 Mar Granted IDP453 Approved FPs for three Vanuatu concept notes 8 Mar 25 Apr Denied IDP452 Funding ...
Basic page
Annual Results Report 2021
... and investment responses, and to develop GCF-aligned concept notes and funding proposals. In 2021, GCF’s Readiness ... - were leveraged to further advance project ideas into concept notes and to enable Direct Access Entities (DAE) to ...
Basic page
NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Timor-Leste through UNDP
... and include programming priorities and project/programme concepts and the identification of potential entities to ...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Timor-Leste
Ministry of Environment (formerly Ministry of Natural Resources of Rwanda)
The Ministry of National Resources of Rwanda (MINIRENA) is a national entity, specifically a public sector ministry, which is responsible for environment, climate change and natural resources management at the local and...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Rwanda
Fostering Sustainable Urban Mobility with Efficient and Low Emission Transport in Tegucigalpa
1. In Honduras, road transport contributes with 43% of the GHG emissions produced by the energy sector, showing a steady growth in the last decade. In the NDC presented to the UNFCCC, the Government of Honduras (GoH)...
Document > Concept note Honduras
Strengthening Climate Information Services and Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems for El Salvador
El Salvador's social and economic conditions make the country vulnerable to the risks associated with climate variability and climate change. Over the last decade the annual meteo-hydrological regime has registered a...
Document > Concept note El Salvador
World Meteorological Organization
As of 22 August 2021 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is no longer a GCF Accredited Entity. For historical purposes, the documents and/or projects associated with WMO are listed on this page.
The World...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), International
Austrian Development Agency
The Austrian Development Agency (ADA Austria) functions as the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation and finances and supports development projects internationally on behalf of the Government of Austria....
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), International
CGIAR System Organization
The Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres (CGIAR) is an international entity headquartered in France that operates global. The applicant acts as the international development research centre of a...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), International
Caribbean Development Bank
The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), is a regional financial institution with a mandate to support social and economic development in small island developing States in the Caribbean. The entity’s main functions are to...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (Regional)
Agence luxembourgeoise pour la Coopération au Développement (Lux-Development S.A.) (known as "Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency")
The Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency (LuxDev) is an international private limited shareholder entity belonging to the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg whose primary mission is the implementation of the...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), International
National Rural Support Programme (Pakistan)
The National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) is a national entity whose mandate is to alleviate poverty by harnessing people’s potential and undertake development activities in Pakistan. Relying on a presence in all four...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Pakistan Pages
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