FP094 - Ensuring climate resilient water supplies in the Comoros Islands
... and cause saline intrusion from rising sea levels. This project will strengthen the national governance of water by ... tanks to store more water through longer dry periods. The project has an estimated lifespan of 25 years. FP094 Comoros ...
Project > Public sector Comoros (the) UNDP
FP106 - Embedded Generation Investment Programme (EGIP)
... will support the implementation of renewable energy projects with a capacity of 330 MW, which is comprised of ... in order to enhance bankability of such renewable energy projects. The second component will provide credit support ... managing an equity ownership in local renewable energy sub-projects. This programme has an estimated lifespan of 20 ...
Project > Private sector South Africa DBSA
FP100 - REDD-PLUS results-based payments for results achieved by Brazil in the Amazon biome in 2014 and 2015
This is the first project that has been approved under the GCF’s REDD+ ... Brazil will reinvest the proceeds received through this project in activities that are consistent with their ...
Project > Public sector Brazil UNDP
FP108 - Transforming the Indus Basin with Climate Resilient Agriculture and Water Management
... meltwater to provide its agricultural water supply. This project will develop the country’s capacity to use the ... wider enabling environment for continuous adaptation. This project has an estimated lifespan of 20 years. FP108 ...
Project > Public sector Pakistan FAO
FP109 - Safeguarding rural communities and their physical and economic assets from climate induced disasters in Timor-Leste
... a result of landslides, floods, erosion and drought. This project will strengthen the capacity of institutions to ... small-scale rural infrastructure in vulnerable areas. This project has an estimated lifespan of 6 years. FP109 ...
Project > Public sector Timor-Leste UNDP
FP111 - Promoting climate-resilient forest restoration and silviculture for the sustainability of water-related ecosystem services
... climate-related events over the last two decades. This project will foster a paradigm shift in forest management ... use; and economic and social benefits for households. This project has an estimated lifespan of 5 years. FP111 Honduras ...
Project > Public sector Honduras IDB
FP127 - Building Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Agricultural Livelihoods in Southern Zimbabwe
... as higher number of drought-related livestock deaths. The project proposes to address these observed and projected climate impacts and build the resilience of ...
Project > Public sector Zimbabwe UNDP
FP129 - Afghanistan Rural Energy Market Transformation Initiative – Strengthening Resilience of Livelihoods Through Sustainable Energy Access
... and leads to carbon emissions. This project is designed to kick-start a renewable energy ... building of similar mini-grids in the future. The project is targeted at encouraging private sector ...
Project > Public sector Afghanistan UNDP
FP166 - Light Rail Transit for the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM)
... to 51 percent of the national total in 2015, is projected to increase by 44 percent by 2050 without ... in the country’s public transport system. This project aims to install an 85 km double-track, electric ...
Project > Public sector Costa Rica CABEI
SAP015 - Promoting zero-deforestation cocoa production for reducing emissions in Côte d’Ivoire (PROMIRE)
... 38 percent of which is driven by cocoa production. This project will implement zero-deforestation agroforestry ... from cocoa production. Scaling up a previous pilot project that successfully promoted agroforestry schemes, ...
Project > Public sector Côte d'Ivoire FAO
FP186 - India E-Mobility Financing Program
... the transport sector through electrification. This project will provide tailored financing solutions to ... to a level comparable to conventional vehicles. The project will also mobilise significant amounts of private ...
Project > Private sector India MAAML
FP187 - Ouémé Basin Climate-Resilience Initiative (OCRI) Benin
... in poverty and food insecurity of the local population. The project aims to address these climate impacts, by bringing ... to the agricultural production system in the basin. The project will build resilience for poor and vulnerable ...
Project > Public sector Benin FAO
FP234 - Tonga Coastal Resilience
... climate action. To overcome these challenges, this project will drive a transformational shift in coastal ... sea defences in vulnerable coastal areas. Additionally, the project will address issues such as land-use planning and ...
Project > Public sector Tonga UNDP
SAP045 - Scaling up Climate Resilience Solutions for Burundian Smallholders
... low adaptive capacity. To address these challenges, the project aims to enhance smallholder farmers' adaptive ... and enable better access to markets. This cross-cutting project will provide an integrated package of climate-smart ... and agroforestry support. It is the first under the pilot Project-Specific Assessment Approach (PSAA) , an initiative ...
Project > Public sector Burundi OAF
FP075 - Institutional Development of the State Agency for Hydrometeorology of Tajikistan
... managing risks through timely and robust information. The project has an estimated lifespan of 30 years. FP075 ...
Project > Public sector Tajikistan ADB
FP082 - Catalyzing Climate Finance (Shandong Green Development Fund)
... to meet the province’s goals to green its economy. This project will catalyse private finance by offering adequate ...
Project > Public sector China ADB
FP052 - Sustainable and Climate Resilient Connectivity for Nauru
... the wharf and berth from waves, and other facilities. The project has an estimated lifespan of 50 years. FP052 Nauru 1 ...
Project > Public sector Nauru ADB
FP033 - Accelerating the transformational shift to a low-carbon economy in the Republic of Mauritius
... of coal (39 percent) and fuel oil (38 percent). This project is aimed at enabling the Government of Mauritius to ... and to improve the country’s balance of payments. The project will remove bottlenecks to investments in low-carbon ... for Mauritius’ principle outer island, Agalega. The project’s first phase (2017-2019) will strengthen the ...
Project > Public sector Mauritius UNDP
FP151 - Global Subnational Climate Fund (SnCF Global) – Technical Assistance (TA) Facility
... a positive disruptive solution on how subnational climate projects should be structured, de-risked, and funded by both ... of rigor and quality. The Fund is designed to overcome project-level barriers and limitations in attracting private ... chronic underfunding of bankable mitigation and adaptation projects at the sub-national level, specifically at the deal ...
Project > Private sector Multiple countries IUCN
FP152 - Global Subnational Climate Fund (SnCF Global) – Equity
... a positive disruptive solution on how subnational climate projects should be structured, de-risked, and funded by both ... of rigor and quality. The Fund is designed to overcome project-level barriers and limitations in attracting private ... chronic underfunding of bankable mitigation and adaptation projects at the sub-national level, specifically at the deal ...
Project > Private sector Multiple countries PCA
FP001 - Building the Resilience of Wetlands in the Province of Datem del Marañón, Peru
... billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq.). The project will avoid deforestation of an estimated 4,861 ... primary productivity, affecting people and ecosystems. The project will facilitate better land-use planning and ... tree resin used as an antiinflammatory and anti-viral. The project has an estimated lifespan of 10 years. FP001 Peru 1 ...
Project > Public sector Peru Profonanpe
FP020 - Sustainable Energy Facility for the Eastern Caribbean
Financing commercial Geothermal Energy (GE) projects whilst strengthening legal and regulatory ... in GE by the private sector, critical to develop GE projects in the region. The end result will be to deliver ... 9.4 million TCO2e during the lifetime of the programme. The project has an estimated lifespan of 8 years. FP020 Dominica ...
Project > Public sector Multiple countries IDB
FP024 - Enpower to Adapt: Creating Climate-Change Resilient Livelihoods through Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) in Namibia
... of local-level climate action. It is expected that the project improve land management of an area of 7,200,000 hectares. The project will run over five years and consists of two ... through grants in three defined investment areas. The project has an estimated lifespan of 5 years. FP024 Namibia ...
Project > Public sector Namibia EIF
FP028 - MSME Business Loan Program for GHG Emission Reduction
... investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. GCF’s USD 20 million contribution will be blended with other financial sources to fund low-carbon projects. This will help Mongolian enterprises adopt ... the financial support will go towards women-led MSMEs. The project has an estimated lifespan of 5 years. FP028 Mongolia ...
Project > Private sector Mongolia XacBank
FP040 - Tajikistan: Scaling Up Hydropower Sector Climate Resilience
... Soviet era and needs renewal to cope with the observed and projected impacts of climate change that is leading to ... in severe floods. There are three key components to the project. Best international practices will be adopted, and ... to optimize its resilience to climate change. The project has an estimated lifespan of 40 years. FP040 ...
Project > Public sector Tajikistan EBRD
FP042 - Irrigation development and adaptation of irrigated agriculture to climate change in semi-arid Morocco
... date and olive farms from climate change risks. This project will create a connecting irrigation system to the ... and alleviate the pressure on the deep groundwater. The project will build the climate-resilience of oasis ... and environmental and social impacts management. The project has an estimated lifespan of 5 years. FP042 Morocco ...
Project > Public sector Morocco AFD
SAP009 - Building resilience of urban populations with ecosystem-based solutions in Lao PDR
... a large percentage of their disposable incomes. The project aims to test an alternative approach to flood ... for other nations facing similar climate challenges. This project was initially submitted to the GCF Secretariat under the ‘Project Approval Process’ modality and was resubmitted ...
Project > Public sector Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) UNEP Pages
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