The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is an international organization whose main goals are the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition; the elimination of poverty and the driving forward of economic and social progress for all; and the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources, including land, water, air, climate and genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations.
Accreditation timeline
Accreditation term 1
04 Oct 2018 - 03 Oct 2023
Accreditation date
14 Oct 2016
AMA execution date
08 Jun 2018
AMA effectiveness
04 Oct 2018
Term end date
03 Oct 2023
Accreditation term 2
Re-accreditation date
25 Oct 2023
AMA execution date
AMA effectiveness
Term end date
Entity details
- Micro
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Environmental and social risk category
- Category C
- Category B
- Category A
- Intermediation 3
- Intermediation 2
- Intermediation 1
Fiduciary standards
- Basic
- Project management
- Grant award
- On-lending/blending:
- Loan
- Equity
- Guarantee
- Blending
News + Stories

Sacred plant helps forge a climate-friendly future in Paraguay
05 Feb 2025 / Using ancestral knowledge and yerba mate trees to accelerate climate action For generations, the Ava Guaraní, one of the Indigenous Peoples living in eastern Paraguay, have been harvesting the green leaves of the yerba mate tree to make the bitter, caffeinated brew beloved in South America and beyond. However, the leaves they traditionally harvested in the wild have become increasingly scarce, partly due to climate change.

Restoring vital ecosystems and water sources in the Dry Corridor Forest, El Salvador
21 Mar 2024 / The Dry Corridor is a vast expanse of tropical, dry forest that spans six countries in Central America. It is home to 11.5 million rural people who depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. Unfortunately, the region is highly vulnerable to climate change due to erratic rainfall patterns, deforestation, and land degradation.

Funding and subsidiary agreements signed on the same day between GCF, FAO, and Government of Cambodia, accelerating implementation of a new climate resilient agricultural project in Cambodia
21 Mar 2023 / The Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have signed a project agreement, referred to as a Funding Activity Agreement (FAA) to rapidly begin the implementation of a USD 42.9 million project (with USD 36.2 million in GCF financing) that will increase the climate resilience of agricultural production in the Northern Tonle Sap Basin (NTSB), one of Cambodia's most important agricultural regions.

GCF partners with FAO on two major climate-resilience projects in Benin and the Gambia
21 Jul 2022 / GCF and FAO have signed an agreement for $60 million in funding for two new major projects that will improve climate-resilience in Benin and the Gambia. These cross-cutting mitigation and adaptation projects were approved at the most recent GCF Board meeting in Incheon, South Korea. GCF will provide over USD 35 million in funding for both projects.

Amazon indigenous peoples hold key to forest’s future
26 Aug 2021 / The indigenous peoples of the Amazon have a key stake in our planet’s future. The release of the vast carbon reserves stored in the world’s largest rainforest would bring dire consequences for all of us. It is still possible to preserve the Amazon, but only by also focusing on the livelihoods of its indigenous peoples. See how here.

GCF speeds up funding process to help meet urgent need for climate action
15 Nov 2019 / The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has signed implementation agreements for three climate finance projects immediately after they were approved by the GCF Board during its meeting on 12-14 November. The rapid move from Board approval to legal agreements represents a first for GCF in terms of accelerating the speed of available funding to meet the urgent need for climate action in developing countries.

GCF forum explores how to stem climate impact on world food security
28 Oct 2019 / The increasing severity of climate effects threatens to halt progress around the world in combatting a variety of development goals. That is why increasing flows of finance need to be directed towards bolstering food security by making agriculture more sustainable and climate resilient.

GCF and FAO break record in signing fastest ever project agreement, supporting climate-vulnerable Pakistan farmers
09 Jul 2019 / In a sign of accelerating climate finance flows, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) has signed an agreement to implement a project by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to enhance the climate resilience of farmers in Pakistan’s Indus Basin. GCF signed the Funded Activity Agreement (FAA) to transfer USD 35 million to the FAO project yesterday, less than 24 hours after it was approved by the GCF Board. The signing represents the fastest progression from project funding approval to a funding implementation agreement during GCF’s four years of operation.
Deputy Director-General