National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (India)


  • Type Direct (National)
  • Date of accreditation 08 Jul 2015

The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is a national financial institution in India with a total balance sheet of over US$ 40 billion. It has the mandate of promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development through innovative, sustainable and equitable agriculture and rural prosperity by providing financial and technical support. It has built partnerships with other national entities, financial institutions and non-governmental organizations in order to implement innovative ideas through loans, guarantees, blended finance and other structures in the areas of agriculture, natural resources management, fisheries, rural livelihood improvement, renewable energy and micro finance among others. Almost one-third of its cumulative disbursements are related to climate change adaptation and mitigation activities. NABARD sought accreditation to the GCF in order to continue implementing its climate change adaptation and mitigation projects and programmes, which are well aligned with the results areas of the GCF, particularly food and water security, forestry and landscape management, enhancing livelihoods and ecosystem services. Leveraging its long-standing partnerships and experience, NABARD intends to undertake low-emissions and climate-resilient sustainable development that reduces the impacts of climate change.

Accreditation timeline

Accreditation term 1

31 Aug 2017 - 30 Aug 2022

Accreditation date

08 Jul 2015

AMA execution date

27 Jul 2017

AMA effectiveness

31 Aug 2017

Term end date

30 Aug 2022

Accreditation term 2

07 Aug 2024 - 06 Aug 2029

Re-accreditation date

19 Oct 2022

AMA execution date

01 Nov 2023

AMA effectiveness

07 Aug 2024

Term end date

06 Aug 2029

Entity details

  • Size
    • Micro
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
  • Environmental and social risk category
    • Category C
    • Category B
    • Category A
    • Intermediation 3
    • Intermediation 2
    • Intermediation 1
  • Fiduciary standards
    • Basic
    • Project management
    • Grant award
    • On-lending/blending:
    • Loan
    • Equity
    • Guarantee
    • Blending




Line of Credit for Solar rooftop segment for commercial, industrial and residential housing sectors



Ground Water Recharge and Solar Micro Irrigation to Ensure Food Security and Enhance Resilience in Vulnerable Tribal Areas of Odisha


News + Stories

GCF funded India solar rooftop programme kicks off

08 Apr 2019 / A first disbursement of USD 50 million marks the start of the implementation of the GCF solar rooftop programme in India.

Agreement set to increase India's rooftop solar reach

07 Dec 2018 / The spread of solar energy across India received a further boost today with the signing of an agreement between GCF and India’s National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).

Workshop forges direct links to country-led climate action

01 Jun 2018 / GCF has strengthened its country-driven approach to supporting global climate action with the conclusion today of the Empowering Direct Access workshop.

Signing of legal agreement broadens Indian scope of climate action

28 Jul 2017 / GCF has strengthened momentum to tackle climate change in the second most populace nation by signing a key agreement with GCF’s first accredited Indian bank.

Climate finance should focus on rural sector, says leading Indian lender

23 May 2017 / The entrepreneurial hero of India’s climate response will more likely be wearing farming clothes than a business suit, said a leading representative of India’s major rural development bank at the start of a key GCF workshop.

Workshop: GCF supporting direct access entities

03 Sep 2015 / The Green Climate Fund is convening its national and regional accredited entities for four days of training on the Fund’s environmental and social safeguards (ESS) and gender policy at GCF headquarters in Songdo.
