No. of projects
Total GCF financing
No. of Readiness activities
Readiness support approved
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National Designated Authority
Office of the Prime Minister
Honorable Sitiveni Ligamamada Rabuka Primary
Prime Minister and Minister for Climate Change
New Wing, Government Buildings,, Suva, Fiji
Prime Minister and Minister for Climate Change
New Wing, Government Buildings,, Suva, Fiji
Dr. Sivendra Michael Primary
Permanent Secretary - Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Permanent Secretary - Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Ms. Senivasa Waqaramasi Secondary
Director - Climate Change Division
Director - Climate Change Division
GCF Team
Princess Kaite CorporalRegional Analyst
Send e-mail Diane McFadzien
Sub Regional Lead
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News + Stories

Reframing development goals to catalyze climate finance
15 Oct 2018 / To expand the impact of GCF-funding and empower locally driven climate actions, a pioneering collaboration between the Government of Germany, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Environment and the World Resource Institute (WRI), supported nine countries to put systems in place to understand and engage effectively with the Green Climate Fund and to systematically address overall climate finance gaps and opportunities.