No objection letter template
All funding proposals submitted to GCF must be accompanied by a no-objection letter (NOL) from the National Designated Authority (NDA)/focal point following the no-objection procedure adopted by GCF decisions B.08/10 (initial no-objection procedure), and B.41/02 (initial no-objection procedure as modified by the Board). These NOLs ensure that the proposed funding proposal is consistent with country-driven approaches and national climate strategies and plans, and signal their support.
Because the content of the NOL template must comply with the no-objection procedure adopted by GCF decisions B.08/10, and B.41/02, the template is not subject to deviation. No additional text should be added or removed from the template.
Please note that the latest NOL template is designed to accommodate a wider range and combination of modalities:
- funding modalities: funding proposals (projects and programmes) or Project Preparation Facility (PPF) applications;
- access modalities: accredited entities or Project-specific Assessment Approach (PSAA) applicants.
National designated authorities (NDAs) or focal points are advised to select one of the following two options depending on whether the (proposed) partner is an accredited entity or a PSAA applicant:
- Election 1 for funding proposals (projects and programmes) or Project Preparation Facility (PPF) applications submitted by accredited entities
- Election 2 for funding proposals (projects and programmes) or PPF applications submitted by PSAA applicants including:
- Additional text for national, subnational, and regional PSAA applicants
For funding proposals:
NOLs are required for all funding proposals. Once obtained from the NSA/focal point, the accredited entity submits the NOL as annex 1 to the funding proposal.
For PPF applications:
As part of the application package for PPF support, accredited entities are required to submit a no-objection letter from the NDAs/focal points of the country where PPF support is sought. The accredited entity may use this no-objection letter template for submission as part of the PPF application package.