
Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project

Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project

  • Status Under implementation
  • Date approved 01 Mar 2018 at B.19
  • Est. completion 19 Mar 2025
  • ESS Category Category B

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the climate vulnerability of Cambodia's agricultural value chains.

Observed climate change trends in Cambodia, where the livelihoods of 80 percent of the population relies on rain-fed agriculture, indicate serious impacts on agriculture, which is highly sensitive to climate variability. Also, Cambodia's agricultural value chains remain fragmented as a result of infrastructure gaps and a range of capacity and policy constraints. 

This initiative targets four agricultural value chains in Kampong Cham, Tbong Khmum, Kampot and Takeo provinces. It will enhance the resilience and productivity of crops, and increase agricultural competitiveness and household incomes in the targeted provinces. It will address each stage of the agricultural value chain.

The project has an estimated lifespan of 6 years.

Total project value


Tonnes of emissions avoided






Result areas

Project timeline


28 Mar 2017 - 339 days

Concept note received

28 Mar 2017

Funding proposal received

26 May 2017

Cleared by iTAP

06 Feb 2018


01 Mar 2018 - 384 days

Approved by GCF Board

01 Mar 2018

Legal opinion on AE's Internal Approval

16 Aug 2018

FAA executed

12 Feb 2019

Under implementation

19 Mar 2019 - 1,994 days so far

FAA effective

19 Mar 2019

Disbursement - USD 60,000

27 Aug 2019

Disbursement - USD 2,340,000

27 Aug 2019

Disbursement - USD 900,000

14 Jun 2021

Disbursement - USD 5,538,000

09 Dec 2022

Disbursement - USD 4,170,000

09 Dec 2022

Disbursement - USD 18,234,000

22 Feb 2024

Disbursement - USD 3,920,000

22 Feb 2024

To be completed

19 Mar 2025 - 199 days to go

One region

  • Asia-Pacific

One country

One priority group

  • Least Developed Countries
  • Financing
    • Private sector
    • Public sector
  • Size
    • Micro
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large

GCF financing88% disbursed

LoanUSD 10,000,000
GrantUSD 30,000,000
Total GCF Financing
USD 40,000,000


Co-FinancingLoanUSD 90,000,000
Co-FinancingIn-kindUSD 3,660,000
Co-FinancingIn-kindUSD 7,380,000
Total Co-Financing
USD 101,040,000

GCF Contacts

General media inquiries

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Request for information

GCF Information Disclosure
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Project complaints and grievances

GCF Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM)
Phone +82 32 458 6186 (KST)
File a complaint

Integrity issues

GCF Independent Integrity Unity (IIU)
Phone +82 32 458 6714 (KST)
Send e-mail

Accredited Entity

Asian Development Bank
Mr. Christian Ellermann

Senior Climate Change Specialist
More contacts

National Designated Authority

Ministry of Environment
H.E. Dr. Sophalleth Eang Primary
Minister of Environment
Morodok Decho Building, No. 503, Chamkarmon,, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
H.E. Mr. Paris Choup Primary
Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment
Phone (+855)17 313 366
H.E. Dr. Sovuthy Pheav Secondary
Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment
Phone ( +855) 16 613 355
H.E. Mr. Thy Sum Tertiary
Director General, General Directorate of Policy and Strategy, Ministry of Environment
Phone (+855) 16 907 764

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