Readiness & preparatory support

GCF's Readiness Programme provides resources for countries and entities to efficiently engage with GCF

Financing modality for country support

Total envelope: Countries can access a total envelope of up to USD 7 million per country over 4 years for the integrated planning and implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures. This includes previously available support for National Adaptation Plan (NAP) formulation (NAP.1) for countries that have not yet fully utilised it. Additionally, countries can submit an additional request for up to USD 3 million for NAP implementation (NAP.2) if the main envelope has less than USD 250,000 remaining in committed funds. This additional funding is based on a mutually agreed clear need and demonstrable impact on NAP implementation.

Guide for accessing country window

Guide for countries to access Readiness support

23 Sep 2024

This guide serves to provide details on accessing support from the GCF through its Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, in line with the newly adopted 2024-2027 readiness strategy, using the country support financing modality

* Items marked with an asterisk (*) are currently under revision with the aim of simplification.