Readiness & preparatory support

GCF's Readiness Programme provides resources for countries and entities to efficiently engage with GCF

Financing modality for DAE support

Within the DAE modality, funding is provided to assist accredited DAEs as well as candidate DAEs in the advanced stages of the GCF accreditation process.

The total financial envelope for DAE support includes the following:

Amount Details
Up to USD 1 million
per entity over the four-year period¹

This financing modality is intended for addressing the readiness objectives as they pertain to DAEs, based on coordination with respective NDAs and in line with country priorities.

Readiness support is to be requested based on a four-year planning. Activities can be implemented within any period deemed appropriate, so long as a funding request(s) is approved within the GCF-2 period, i.e., 2024-2027.

¹ A one-time allocation of USD 12.4 million approved for the implementation of the GCF Integrated Results Management Framework (IRMF) under decision B.29/01 has been integrated into the overall funding for the DAEs support modality, to ensure ongoing support. This integration provides all DAEs with equal access to USD 1 million per entity over the four-year GCF-2 programming period. Entities previously benefiting from IRMF support will still have access to the full USD 1 million per entity, provided they exclude any overlapping work already covered through the IRMF window.

Guide for accessing DAE window

Guide for Direct Access Entities to access Readiness support

23 Sep 2024

This guide is designed to provide details on accessing support from the GCF through its Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (the Readiness Programme), in line with the newly adopted 2024-2027 readiness strategy, using the Direct Access Entities support financing modality.

* Items marked with an asterisk (*) are currently under revision with the aim of simplification.